© 2009-2010 Irena Šebová, Tomáš Král
013_Cableway terminus Sněžka
Institution >>> Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, Studio of Petr Hájek and Jan Šépka
Author >>> Irena Šebová
Date >>> 10/2005-02/2006, 03/2007-05/2007
Additional >>> Olověný Dušan award for Studio Hájek-Šépka, exhibition Olověný Dušan at Museum Kampa, public presentation of projects for municipal council at Pec pod Sněžkou, published in AD architektura 03/2006

The Czech chalet project (dining, emergency sleeping) and cable car terminus at Sněžka mountain, the highest mountain of the Czech Republic, in the middle of a national park. The project was later developed as an implementation project.
The concept draws on minimalism, both from encroachments inside the national park as well as from spatial and conceptual minimalism. The buildings of the Czech chalet and the cable car station are integrated in one structure; each space has only the necessary dimensions and serves several functions: dining-sleeping hall. The building is situated below the top of the hill on the leeward side on the site of the present terminus. It also uses the current machine, and elevates it to a working technical monument. This building strategy allows a significant increase in the operational time.
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